In Memory of
Betty Greener by Judith Greener
Rachel Fink by Judith Greener
Robert Widlitz by Michael and Sandra Widlitz
Malvina and Joseph Lavine by Mrs. Elaine Lavine
Marcia Stern by Howard and Janet Cohen
Larry Schimmel by Jeremy and Lisa Kestler
Mazel Tov to
The David Family on Jack’s Bar Mitzvah by Mrs. Karen Katz
The David Family on Jack’s Bar Mitzvah by Dr. Burton and Mrs. Barbara Lavin
Stephanie and Perry Loesberg on the engagement of their daughter Amy to Jonathan Taus by Dr. Burton and Mrs. Barbara Lavin
In Memory of
Marcia Stern by Rabbi Joel and Marjorie Chernikoff
Mazel Tov to
Cyla Schall “Happy Birthday Mommom” From Jennifer Schall
Mazel Tov to
The David Family on Jack’s Bar Mitzvah by Mr. William S. Agress
The David Family on Jack’s Bar Mitzvah by Mr. Rudy Loewenstein
The David Family on Jack’s Bar Mitzvah by Mrs. Janice Pincus
Stephanie and Perry Loesberg on the engagement of their daughter Amy to Jonathan Taus by Mrs. Janice Pincus
Stephanie and Perry Loesberg on the engagement of their daughter Amy to Jonathan Taus by Mr. Rudy Loewenstein
In Memory of
Lynn P Weinstein by Ina Slutzky
Mazel Tov to
The David Family on Jack’s Bar Mitzvah by Ms. Denise Brand