Bikor Cholim
In Memory of
Ruth Weiss by Ms. Denise Brand
Ruth Weiss by Michael Clagett and Glenda Mendelsohn
Chesed Fund
In Memory of
Ruth Weiss by Dr. & Mrs. Mark Pressman
Dr. Burton Lavin by Scott and Michele Warren
Eisenstein Library Fund
In Memory of
Irwin Pincus by Mrs. Maxine Epstein
General Fund
In Memory of
Ruth Weiss by Barbara Lavin
Ruth Weiss by Mr. Mark Goldfus and Ms. Beverly Rubman
Ruth Weiss by Mrs. Karen Katz
Ruth Weiss by Jeffrey and Deborah Ziment
Ruth Weiss by Mr. and Mrs. Larry Solomon
Ruth Weiss by Mrs. Florence Lipstein
Dr. Burton Lavin by Mr. Louis and Ms. Hanina Ruttenberg
Dr. Burton Lavin by Nancy Jafee
Dr. Burton Lavin by Debra Kanter and Morton Gasner
Dr. Burton Lavin Jeffrey and Deborah Ziment
Dr. Burton Lavin by Joyce Levin
Dr. Burton Lavin by Lynn and Keith Pilot (Weston)
Dr. Burton Lavin by Lynn Rabinowitz
Dr. Burton Lavin by Mr. and Mrs. Jay Ganzman
Dr. Burton Lavin by Scott and Michele Warren
Dr. Burton Lavin by Ms. Deena A. Whitman
Abraham Schultz by Ms. Sylvia Schultz
Beloved Father of Jay Krosnick by Mrs. Elaine Lavine
Mazel Tov
To Stephanie & Perry Loesberg on Amy’s Engagement by Mr. and Mrs. Jay Ganzman
Todah Rabah
For having Morning Minyan by Steve Weiss and Martha Himmelfarb
Hazzan’s Discretionary Fund
In Memory of
Lawrence Byer by Mr. and Mrs. Richard Byer
Kiddush Fund
In Memory of
Beatrice Schwartz by Allen and Gale Cohen
Leon Siskowitz Cultural Memorial Fund
In Memory of
Ruth Weiss by David and Nan Rossien
Dr. Burton Lavin by Mrs. Sally Moses
Dr. Burton Lavin by Brenda and Larry Solomon
Levy Youth Scholarship Fund
In Memory of
Dr. Burton Lavin by Mr. and Mrs. Allen Gorski
Dr. Burton Lavin Marcia Stern by Mr. and Mrs. Allen Gorski
Mortgage Reduction Fund
In Memory of
Ruth Weiss by Ernestine Urken
Ruth Weiss by Mrs. Janice Pincus
Dr. Burton Lavin by Ms. Sandra Nitzberg
Carl Abromovitz by Mrs. Janice Pincus
Rabbi Adler’s Discretionary Fund
In Memory of
James S. Gaspari by Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lerner
Donation by
Fred Angeline
Rabbi Grossman’s Emeritus Fund
In Memory of
Charles Brim by Mrs. Marlene Brim
Sacks Wilner Holocaust Education Fund
In Memory of
Sari Gottleib by Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Gallon