Bikor Cholim
In Memory of
Shirley Rubman by Mr. and Mrs. Michael E. Weiner
Cemetery Beautification Fund
In Memory of
Fred Byer by Richard and Mary Lou Byer
Isaac Byer by Richard and Mary Lou Byer
Chesed Fund
In Memory of
Jack Dubin by Mr. Israel Dubin and Mrs. Carol Greenfield‑Dubin
Shirley Rubman by Mr. Israel Dubin and Mrs. Carol Greenfield‑Dubin
Ronald Gittleman by Mrs. Florence Lipstein
General Fund
In Memory of
Jerome Robins by Michael and Sandra Widlitz
Alice Harris by Mr. and Mrs. Robert Harris
Thank You
For the Shalach Manot by Mrs. Bertha Ropeik
Levy Youth Scholarship Fund
In Memory of
Abraham Bash by Mr. and Mrs. Jerold Schwartz
Louis Linowitz by Mr. and Mrs. Marc Linowitz
Mortgage Reduction Fund
In Memory of
Barbara Millner by Mr. Rudolph Loewenstein
Religious School Fund
In Memory of
Nathan Pincus by Maxine Epstein