Caring Acts of Tzedakah Week of April 8 – 14, 2022

Cemetery Fund
In Memory Of
Herbert Young from MaryLou and Richard Byer
Sarah Byer from MaryLou and Richard Byer
General Fund
from Aaron Appelstein

In Memory Of
Harvey Fink from Barbara and Chris Woolley
Hazzan’s Discretionary Fund
In Honor Of
Hazzan on 30 years going on many more from Aaron Appelstein
Mazel Tov
to Cyla Schall on the marriage of your granddaughter, Lauren Cohen, to Zach Appelbaum from Denise and Christopher Brand
Kiddush Fund
In Memory of
Thelma Rozansky from Muriel Finestine
Rabbi Adler’s Discretionary Fund
Todah Rabah
for selling my chametz from Shelley Rappaport
Sacks Wilner Program
from Karen and Bruce Kaplan