Bikur Cholim
Donation By
Chesed Fund
In Memory Of
Charles Byer from Karen Katz
Howard Rubin from Karen Katz
Howard Rubin from Perry & Stephanie Loesberg
Robert Kushner from Perry & Stephanie Loesberg
Charles Byer from Perry & Stephanie Loesberg
Gail McDonald from Perry & Stephanie Loesberg
General Fund
Donation By
Leslie & Herschel Burstyn
Get Well
to Israel Dubin, Refuah Shlema. from Jay & Lisa Ganzman
to Allen Cohen, Refuah Shlema. from Jay & Lisa Ganzman
In Honor Of
Denise Brand being selected as Torah Fund Honoree for 2023 from Leslie & Herschel Burstyn
In Memory Of
Gail McDonald from Adath Israel Women’s League
Charles Byer from Elaine Lavine
Gail McDonald from Howard & Janet Cohen
Charles Byer from Janice Pincus
Neil Rosenthal from Janice Pincus
Howard Rubin from Jay & Lisa Ganzman
Gail McDonald from Jay & Lisa Ganzman
Meyer Reizman from Marlene Brim
Mortgage Reduction Fund
Condolences To
Beth Wallace and Family on the passing of Neil Rosenthal from Judi & Michael E. Weiner
Rabbi’s Discretionary Fund
In Memory Of
Charles Byer from Eva & Harvey Samachson
Religious School Fund
In Memory Of
Charles Byer from Judy & Jerry Goldstein
Women’s League
Condolences To
Peggy Shapiro on the loss of her sister, Gail from Michelle & Mark Pressman
Carole Byer on the loss of her husband, Charles from Michelle & Mark Pressman
Get Well
Allen Cohen from Michelle & Mark Pressman