Chesed Fund
In Memory Of
David Lapidus from Wendie Lapidus
Eisenstein Library Fund
In Memory Of
Jason (Jay) Berger from Harriet Berger
General Fund
In Memory Of
Sandy Ziman from Conrad & Amy Druker
my mom, Evelyn Golden from Herschel & Leslie Burstyn
Edward Olin from Shirley Olin
Celia Olin from Shirley Olin
my mother, Jennie Palat, from Elaine Lavine
Hazzan’s Discretionary Fund
In Memory Of
Colonel Harold Hoenig from Arthur Hoenig & Meryl Bichler
Levy Youth Scholarship Fund
In Memory Of
Allen S. Applebaum from Cheryl & Allen Gorski
Rabbi Adler’s Discretionary Fund
In Memory Of
David Shaw’s mother, Claire, from Carol Greenfield-Dubin & Israel Dubin
Howard Cohen’s mother, Vivian, from Carol Greenfield-Dubin & Israel Dubin
Mazal Tov
to Stephanie & Perry Loesberg on the birth of their granddaughter, Lea Alma, from Carol Greenfield-Dubin & Israel Dubin
to Sam & Elisa Bergman on their birth of their granddaughter, Eva, from Carol Greenfield-Dubin & Israel Dubin
Sacks-Wilner Holocaust Education Fund
In Memory Of
Bella Ajzykowicz from Gloria Wiernik