You can support IDF troops by purchasing items on an Amazon gift registry called “Registry – IDF TANK INFANTRY DONATION LIST FOR HAYALIM” at IDF reservists have filled out this registry with specific items that their units desperately need, ranging in price from a few dollars to several hundred dollars. You can periodically (and often) follow the link and purchase as many items as your heart and pocketbook allow. Feel free to share this list with as many people as possible. Make sure that you select the proper destination address (“Registry Tank Infantry’s Gift Registry Address”). The full address is hidden for privacy. Amazon will deliver your items to the destination home in Huntingdon Valley where volunteers will sort and rewrap the gifts into duffle bags. The volunteers will then drive the gifts to the El Al office in Newark to be sent on to Israel where volunteers deliver the bags directly to the units. On Amazon, you can also donate money to cover the costs of gas, duffel bags and other expenses. For more information visit or contact Mark Melmed at