19 days in the Omer

My fondest memory is singing on the bimah during Saturday morning services
– Talya W.

18 days in the Omer

My fondest memory is playing with my friends during services and after hebrew school
– Jacob W

17 days in the Omer

My fondest memory is the warm welcome we received when we started coming to Friday night Tot Shabbat”
-Cara W.

16 days in the Omer

One of my favorite Shabbat memories at Adath is our son Sam on the bima leading the responsive reading “Prayer for Peace”
Lisa S.

15 days in the Omer

I have fond memories of a second night seder at Adath when my younger son was a newborn. Everyone was making a fuss over him and we all felt the warm embrace of our Jewish community.
-Nancy B.

14 days in the Omer

Some of my fondest memories at Adath Israel were my wedding and confirmation which took place many years ago.
-Karen K.

13 days in the Omer

One of my warm memories of Adath Israel is enjoying Morning Minyan & Shabbat Services
-Abe A.

12 days in the Omer

My fondest memory is Bat Mitvah’ing my two daughters, Jessica and Amy and the pride I felt on both their special days.

11 days in the 0mer

While the b’nei mitzvah of both my sons were very moving, the most fun we had was my wife’s adult b’nei mitzvah. What a blast it was to see that class run a service!
David R.

10 Days in the Omer

My warm memory of Adath Israel is hearing the choir on the high holidays. It makes the prayers more meaningful and and enjoyable.
-Rick B.